kadafax kadafax@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks for reply Bryan, in fact since the mounted FS is for backup purpose only, it's not a big deal to un-mount it (far better than disabling the ldap service with a reboot). I've checked google and the result it gives seems to be too heavy for this production server (new scsi driver etc.). So if you have a solution who is working on un-mounted volume, I'm very interrested. PS: The SAN is an AX100sc from EMC. The host adapter is a QLA200 from QLogic. OS: CentOS 4.2
If all volumes are unmounted, then you can simply remove the driver and modprobe it again.
E.g., # /sbin/rmmod qla2200 # /sbin/modprobe qla2200
I'm assuming your /etc/modprobe.conf file has all options (SAN paths, etc...) for the card defined.
Once that is done, your /dev/sdb device should be updated to reflect the new geometry of the storage. Just add the new space as a new, physical volume, add it to your existing volume group, etc...