On Wed, 2009-12-02 at 06:06 -0700, Craig White wrote:
I don't know because I haven't figured out how the 'f' option would be useful to me but I think the way you are trying to do it is clunky...
#!/bin/sh # # usage - myldap-search user # LDAP_PASSWD="whatever" BINDDN="cn=Manager,dc=palermo,dc=edu" BASEDN="ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=edu" for i in `cat users.txt` do; USER_PASSWD = ldapsearch -x\ -w $LDAP_PASSWORD \ -D $BINDDN \ -b uid=$0","$BASEDN \ legajo done
---- correction, the first one s/h/b
#!/bin/sh # # usage - myldap-search user # LDAP_PASSWD="whatever" BINDDN="cn=Manager,dc=palermo,dc=edu" BASEDN="ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=edu" ldapsearch -x\ -w $LDAP_PASSWORD \ -D $BINDDN \ -b uid=$0","$BASEDN \ legajo