We now have 3 new News Categories (on http://www.centos.org ) that allow article submissions by our registered users. They are:
CentOS in the News - External News articles about CentOS. http://www.centos.org/modules/news/index.php?storytopic=9
Projects based on CentOS - Projects from other organizations that use CentOs as their base OS. If you are using CentOS as the base OS for your project, or if you find one we don't know about, let us know. http://www.centos.org/modules/news/index.php?storytopic=11
We use CentOS - CentOS is a enterprise operating system. If you are using CentOS in an enterprise environment, we want to publish your story here. http://www.centos.org/modules/news/index.php?storytopic=12
You can use the above links to read the current articles in each area. If you are a registered CentOS.org user, you can submit an article for one of the above three categories using this link: http://www.centos.org/modules/news/submit.php