ok i'll look for that


On 8/30/05, dan.trainor <dan.trainor@gmail.com> wrote:
Mark Quitoriano wrote:
> in the spec file you just need to set the sasl to 1 right? anything
> should i do in the spec file?
> On 8/30/05, *dan.trainor* < dan.trainor@gmail.com
> <mailto:dan.trainor@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Alan Hodgson wrote:
>     > On Mon, Aug 29, 2005 at 11:45:29AM -0400, Matt Hyclak wrote:
>     >
>     >>Generally speaking, pop-before-smtp was (and is) a big hack. The right
>     >>answer is to set up SMTP-Auth.
>     >>
>     >
>     >
>     > Sadly, SMTP auth on Postfix _feels_ like an even bigger hack, due
>     to the
>     > joy that is SASL.  It does work well once you get it setup, but
>     man it's
>     > a pain.
>     >
>     Agreed.  However, after the first initial headache, it's a joy to have
>     it working properly.
>     Remember that you're going to need to compile Postfix with SASL
>     support.
>     The easiest way I've found to build my nice install is to grab the
>     Postfix SRPM, edit the .spec appropriately, and then rebuild the RPM for
>     your particular setup.
>     Too me like five minutest to decipher your email there, Mark.  Feel
>     free
>     to use some commas and periods on occasion ;)
>     Thanks
>     -dant
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Mark -

You're going to have to mow over the .spec file.  There are certain
options that you'll need to consider, such as the version of SASL, among
other things.  I am not able to pull the SRPM at this moment, so I can't
give you exact directions here.

YOu can find instructions on one of several HOW-TOs on the subject.

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Mark Quitoriano, CCNA

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