I would not delete network manager, it would be better if you
stop it "service NetworkManager stop" and disable from booting
"chkconfig NetworkManager off" can turn a useful tool for
troubleshooting in the future. In a second note about the
multi-NIC, i would focus in the actual card that have the at work we have system with 8 NIC for
redundant links, but my main focus is in the actual ports that
have connectivity. Take a look at
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts.....focus in the ifcfg-ethx that
is actually working in your box. Don't forget that you can
always use system-config-network-tui as an alternative to using
the GUI, as long as you have it install "yum install
system-config-network-tui -y".....I think you are in the right
path, let us know how it turn out. In reference to the host
name, take a look at the file /etc/sysconfig/network and
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg_ethx to assign host name
information....I hope I didn't confuse you more....the Redhat
documentation is rocksolid, take a glance at it. Best of luck to