Bryan J. Smith wrote:
Robert <> wrote:
    for dir in bin boot etc home initrd lib lost+found misc
opt root \
               sbin selinux srv tftpboot \
               usr var ; do
      find /$dir -depth -print0 | cpio --null -pmd $UD/$DT
      echo `date` Completed: /$dir >>$PF

That's not a good benchmark.  You're adding the overhead of
inode/tree traversal and all sorts of other factors.  You're
easily cutting performance by 2-3x over.

Since USB 2.0 EHCI is capable of only 60MBps (480Mbps)
theoretical, and Intel openly admits that only 30MBps is
realistic, 8.8MBps is not unreasonable for this command.

Try a "raw" dd from /dev/zero, that is at least 2x your
  dd if=/dev/zero of=(some file) bs=8M count=1000

Or consider a bonnie benchmark.
I wasn't complaining, Bryan, simply responding.  Actually, having moved from a DAT-2 drive to the USB-connected disk, I'm happy as a pig in sh*t to be able to backup the whole thing unattended and have a reasonable expectation that the resulting wad of crud is good! (I'm still gonna burn /boot, /root, /home and /etc to DVD once a month, though.)
Have a great day!