On Tuesday, February 08, 2011 04:52:27 pm Johnny H wrote:
Dear all, Thank you very much for your answers; am a little overwhelmed as I did not expect so many so fast. I will take a look at your suggestions and sites.
The cluster is medium performance for something called bioinformatics; we are looking at next generation sequence data.
I know it had Centos installed and was using Torque/PBS for running cluster jobs. This was set up by a company and we want to install fresh.
What you describe here is quite clearly a compute cluster, HPC, or whatever you want to call it.
Maybe you should go have a look at a packaged solution like rocks (www.rocksclusters.org). If you don't have much experience I'd recommend against building something yourself. With rocks you'll also get the benefit of prepackaged bio-informatics stuff (rocks has a large community).
If I get anywhere without a sys admin, I will post (maybe another question).