On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 2:04 PM, Andrzej Szymanskiszymans@agh.edu.pl wrote:
Filipe Brandenburger wrote:
On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 14:38, Andrzej Szymanskiszymans@agh.edu.pl wrote:
Everything works fine under standard ssh login, but under NX client the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable is missing (the R_HISTSIZE is exported properly).
Any hints?
This is probably not related to NX, but to the terminal emulator you are using (gnome-terminal, kterm, etc.). Some of them do not open "login" shells (the ones that read .bash_profile) but only "interactive" shells (the ones that read .bashrc).
Moving those lines from .bash_profile to .bashrc should work for both cases (as .bash_profile usually sources .bashrc) and solve your problem in both SSH sessions and NX sessions.
HTH, Filipe
Thanks for a fast resolution.
However, moving this to .bashrc is a workaround. If I log in graphically to the console the LD_LIBRARY_PATH from .bash_profile is set correctly. It is unset only on NX session (and the other settings from .bash_profile are set properly, so this file is definitely parsed during nx session startup).
Can you just skip the whole LD_LIBRARY_PATH thing and configure libraries at the system level?
man ldconfig