On Tue, Aug 03, 2010 at 07:56:42AM -0500, Les Mikesell wrote:
Please point out the search result that will solve his problem if it is so easy for you... Or if you can't, please avoid polluting future searches with non-answers.
Please quote the part where I said it was easy if you'd be so kind? I can't seem to locate it on my own. No one ever said things were going to be easy in this industry; if they were then many of us would be out of a job :) But that's really not the point of my post as you really should be aware of, Les.
Specifically, he needs a search result that shows how to get the older RedHat installed on the USB disk it doesn't recognize. There might be a lot that show how to point a grub entry to different boot partitions, but he won't get that far. And if he copies a working image from a different install it still probably won't recognize the disk it is on, and even if the hardware drivers are there he would have to rebuild the initrd to contain them (and what's the driver name???).
I am fully aware of all this. And I also am aware that you know of the back-history of Hadi's blatent misuse of this list.
I, and quite a few others I might point out, are well aware of Hadi's use of this list to solve all his problems without doing any research beforehand. If it was only on occasion it would not be a big deal; however it's not a rare event here.
So, yes, I maintain that google, and the other resources I mentioned should be his first line of help when issues he's not versed in arise.
Excuse me if this doesn't add an air of spoonfeeding. I am all for helping people. I am not, however, all for being used.
If you'd like to continue this thread then I ask you, as a benefit to this list, that you do so privately to the address above. Thank you.