On 04/10/05, Dave Gutteridge dave@tokyocomedy.com wrote:
Has anything been updated recently? Are any KDE packages listed
Oh, yeah. Lots of stuff. In fact, I started out this thread by pointing out that I had installed Quanta, which required me to install a whole shebang of KDE libraries.
Oops, I wasn't paying too much attention initially, I don't tend to bother trying to help with GUI stuff as I don't do much of it. :)
But I was told that nothing I did with KDE should impact what I have in Gnome. Which sounds reasonable, but I have to admit that it still seems suspicious to me that this problem has happened twice, both times after installing KDE related libraries.
Anyway, to answer your question directly, here are the KDE related packages that result from the command you suggest:
Well the redhat-menus provide defaults for both KDE and Gnome, presumably as part of the unified Bluecurve look and feel?
This is from WBEL but should be applicable to CentOS too...
[root@willspc etc]# rpm -qil system-menus-3.7.1-2.WB1 Name : system-menus Relocations: (not relocatable) Version : 3.7.1 Vendor: whiteboxlinux.org Release : 2.WB1 Build Date: Fri 29 Apr 2005 08:37:18 BST Install Date: Tue 31 May 2005 11:16:25 BST Build Host: bob.whiteboxlinux.org Group : User Interface/Desktops Source RPM: system-menus-3.7.1-2.WB1.src.rpm Size : 580236 License: XFree86 Signature : DSA/SHA1, Wed 04 May 2005 02:47:31 BST, Key ID ae52a76d73307de6 URL : http://www.redhat.com Summary : Configuration and data files for the desktop menus Description :
This package contains the XML files that describe the menu layout for GNOME and KDE, and the .desktop files that define the names and icons of "subdirectories" in the menus. /etc/X11/starthere /etc/X11/starthere/applications.desktop /etc/X11/starthere/preferences.desktop /etc/X11/starthere/sysconfig.desktop /etc/xdg /etc/xdg/menus /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu /etc/xdg/menus/preferences.menu /etc/xdg/menus/server-settings.menu /etc/xdg/menus/start-here.menu /etc/xdg/menus/system-settings.menu
Are both /etc/X11/starthere/preferences.desktop and /etc/xdg/menus/preferences.menu present? I wonder if one of those packages has modified them and the reinstall is just creating .rpmnew files rather than replacing the defaults you want?
Is there anything suspicious in your ~/Desktop/ (check for .dot files too).