If you use the guidelines that Akemi listed, depending on what you enable (like filesystems), you will have to make modifications to the SPEC file, or I would recomend you grabbing the centos-plus source and working from there. Johnny has already corrected that SPEC source and it will make your process much easier, although it enables all of the items that are listed in the centos-plus kernel..
Could any one let me know how can I compile & build CentOS kernel.In redhat Linux the kernel source ia available under /usr/src/linuxBut in CentOS i am getting two directories named asKernels and redhat under /usr/srcthe directory /usr/src/redhat is having again four subdirectory without any contents name as BUILD, RPMS, SPECS, SRPMAnd/usr/src/kenrnels is having the the directory 2.6.9-42.EL-hugemem-i686, 2.6.9-42.EL-i686, 2.6.9-42.EL-smp-i686I dig the directory source 2.6.9-42.EL-i686, when I am executing make command after make menuconfig,I am getting error as "include/asm-i386/asm_offsets.h -- no such file or directory..I am not sure wheather i am doing the right operation?Could any body suggest me any How to or step by step guide for CentOS kernel compilationThanks in advanceBrijesh Shukla
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