I am running Asterisk@home on one of my systems here. It uses Centos 4.2. It does NOT have a GUI interface. Command line only at console or via SSH (yeah, I know that I was working on another server to get GUI tools working through SSH, but I am NOT going to muck with AAH build).
yum update is potentially dangerous, when it replaces the kernel. You can loose all of your Zaptel driver setups and have to rebuild them. This is a given, the first time you install AAH and run yum update....
Now at http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk%40Home+Handbook+Wiki+Chapter+3
I was instructed to use NETCONFIG to setup up my network information. Well it did for eth0, but not for eth1.
So question #1 is how to use netconfig to setup eth1 without messing with eth0.
#2) NETCONFIG did not setup my hostname and domain. I had to go in with VI to resolv.conf and sysconfig/network. Is there a tool for this?
#3) How do I figure out which board is which. Other than looking at the MAC address and using PCISNIFFER to then relate that to one of the boards (well, one 'builtin'). Also how do I determine which board is using which IRQ.
#4) Finally how can I change which IRQ a board is using. As one of the boards is using the same IRQ as one of my Zaptel clone cards (Tigerjet chips according to PCISNIFFER).
#4 leads into the 'more'.
This system has TWO FXO clone cards. One is working in AAH, the other AMP does not see. Asterisk CLI flags one as "alarm" RED. and does not report the IRQ of either board.
#5) How do I figure Centos has configured these two cards, and what IRQs are used and maybe how to change the IRQs.
#6) Then how to get genzaptelconf to properly configure this card.
Barrs Law of Recursive futility If you're smart enough to use one of these.... .....you can probably manage without one!