2008/4/29 Lanny Marcus <lannyma@gmail.com>:
[root@dell1602 ~]# grep ^hdc /var/log/dmesg
hdc: DV-516D, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
hdc: ATAPI 50X DVD-ROM drive, 256kB Cache, UDMA(100)
[root@dell1602 ~]#

Good(-ish). The optical device is there but it's an old combo CD/DVD-ROM drive.

>Then looked at the symbolic links? ls -l /dev/ | grep hdc

[root@dell1602 ~]# ls -l /dev/ | grep hdc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root           3 Apr 29 12:30 cdrom-hdc -> hdc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root           3 Apr 29 12:30 dvd -> hdc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root           3 Apr 29 12:30 dvd-hdc -> hdc
brw------- 1 lanny disk    22,    0 Apr 29 12:30 hdc
[root@dell1602 ~]#

Good. That's o.k. also.

I just updated the hal rpm on the box with the problem and I did a
restart of the box after that.

hald (pid 2069) is running...

Good, again.

>I don't know if this will be any use -

Alan: I will check that out! Thanks much! Lanny

Did I see that you are still running a very out of date kernel? Of the 2.6.18-8.m.n series? Any particular reason?
