2014-09-29 20:59 GMT+03:00 Chris Beattie cbeattie@geninfo.com:
I have a mix of CentOS 5, 6, and now 7 servers at work. There are enough of them now that it is starting to make sense for them to get updates from an internal source.
I've seen RHN Satellite in years past. It looks like it may be a way to allow Windows admins here (familiar with WSUS) to update Linux boxes. A local repo might be easier to set up, but (as with Spacewalk) it seems like we'd end up with a lot of packages we don't need. A proxy and a sufficiently-large cache might do the trick if the first Linux box to get updates populates the cache which the files the others will need, but I haven't looked into this enough to see if there's even a way that works.
How do you all keep a dozen or more Linux boxes updated?
install yum-utils and use reposync to create local mirror with only newest packages.
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-- Eero