On Sun, 2005-08-07 at 14:33 -0400, Jim Perrin wrote:
Perhaps you should re-read my question. His command is what prompted my interest primarily because immediately following his command I checked the results with --display which provides interesting results. after running --config and selecting the sun java pack on my test machine, I noticed that several of the slave values were not set in either case, and the final line is what really caught my eye.
I know. But had you read the thread closer, earlier, you would have seen my mention of "alternatives." Why are you so judgmental? Just because my earlier response (and the fact that I manually maintain links in /etc/alternatives) is supposedly "less helpful" than Matt's? Why do you have to assert such?
There is no man 1 alternatives. alternatives is provided by chkconfig and only has man (8) associated with it as 'man -k alternatives' shows.
Sorry, I meant "8" (why I wrote "1" I have no idea).
Here's your cookie.
I was _not_ asking for a cookie. I was only asking that you don't pass judgment on me. It's stuff like this that keeps me from wanting to respond at all. Had Matt not made his post, then there would have been *0* mentions of GCJ/alternatives (out of over a dozen!).
From the way I see it, my earlier post was the _first_ to get to the
"core problem." Now I'm glad Matt made an even better post with an actual command, and that's what we're all here for, to help each other. But I think it's rather rude to do what you did considering I _was_ "on the mark" more than several others.
While you have provided some invaluable information to the list, we're wandering way off topic again. This has nothing to do with Matt's current(or recently past) jre install, or with my query on the alternatives framework. This is more of an RFE/implementation discussion that's moot for all current RHEL/CentOS platforms. Yes. I'm blunt, borderline arrogant, and generally antisocial, but at least I stay on topic with my hostility.
Dude, I _was_ on-topic in _several_ of my posts. Quit asserting was is on-topic and off-topic, as I can easily note several of your past posts that are prime examples of _hypocrisy_.