On Thu, Jan 18, 2007 at 12:46:34AM +0000, Jun Salen enlightened us:
I am wondering why slapd in my CentOS 4.4s erver was unable to run. I already configure ldap to start at boot and when I issue command /sbin/service ldap start it is sucessfully started but again when I check the status etheir thru service or by netstat, it was stopped and not exist respectively. Is anybody encountered this. If you need some more info just let me know. Thanks.
I ran into this after restoring the ldap database files from a backup (/var/lib/ldap). You can create /etc/sysconfig/ldap and in it put something like:
and restart ldap. Man the slapd manpage for all the options. If it is a corrupted database, you might look at the various db_* commands, such as db_recover. Googling for any error messages you get will help, too.