I have this issue with logwatch that seems to be growing. I've googled this, and other people have posted questions about it here and there, but I don't see any solutions posted.
I'm seeing logwatch reporting this issue, or something like it, in a lot of web programming tools I and my friends use. Here's an example, from a Drupal Chat module installed under CentOS 4.2 (in this case):
-------- --------------------- httpd Begin ------------------------
A total of 11934 unidentified 'other' records logged with response code(s) GET /chatbox/text?nickname=jtrant&limit=30&lastrefresh=1142823531 HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 200 responses GET /chatbox/nicklist&forcerefresh=9317 HTTP/1.1 with response code(s) 2 200 responses --------
etc. (it continues for all 12000 entries). I've also seen it with htdig, the open source web indexing software, mambo and joomla! (CMS's like Drupal), and some wiki software. I don't know what it is about perl & php-based web forms that generate that funny double 200 (success) http response code, but it seems to be getting very common.
One way to fix it may be to edit logwatch's http script. But part of me wonders if that's the wrong approach--maybe it's Drupal's fault for sending back a funny http response--and part of me knows that would be a lot of effort.
Has anyone fixed this already? How?
Thanks, Matt