On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 05:04:13PM -0400, Fred Smith wrote:
On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 12:28:55PM -0600, CS DBA wrote:
Hi All;
I've downloaded the Cisco AnyConnect tar.gz file for one of our clients, when I untar it and then run the vpn_install script in the vpnclient directory I get the below error.
Thanks in advance for any help...
You shouldn't need to build Cisco's client. Just install openconnect on your syustem and configure it for the https sites you want to connect to.
You should need: NetworkManager-openconnect.x86_64 openconnect.x86_64
install those, right-click on the network manager icon in the upper panel, choose edit then choose add then choose "Cisco AnyConnect Compatible" fill in the necessary fields, and voila.
to use it, just left-click the NM applet in the upper panel, choose "VPN Connections" then click the one you just configured. I use it for multiple sites and it works just fine.
I neglected to mention that you will need to enable the "epel" repo to install openconnect.