On 12/4/2013 10:22 AM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
On Wed, 4 Dec 2013, John R Pierce wrote:
On 12/4/2013 9:42 AM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
Once upon a time, the CPU area temperature was 80 C, which got a "BING! BING! BING!" from m.roth.
Also, the last time checked I noticed that 5v was 5.263, more than 3% error.
I'd only believe that if you double checked it with a known accurate volt meter.
From that comment, I infer that were 5.263 the actual voltage,
my computer would be misbehaving much more severely.
almost nothing in the system actually runs directly on 5V anymore. the CPU runs on some fraction of a volt at stupid high current, generated by DC-DC regulators which use the 12V supply as their input. Ditto, the ram runs on like 1.8V nowdays, same thing, regulated off 12V. most peripheral logic is 3V or less nowdays.
disk drives use 5V (and 3.5" drives use 12V) but they also ahve their own internal voltage converters and regulators.