From: Les Mikesell Sent: January 16, 2012 20:55
On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 5:50 PM, Hugh E Cruickshank wrote:
If not LessFS can you suggest an alternate deduplication software?
Backuppc dedups (and compresses) at the file level using hardlinks. Not quite as effective as a block level if you have frequent small changes in large files, but still very good with no unusual filesystem requirements other than keeping the whole archive on one filesystem. It will link all identical content, whether from the same or different systems and it's rsync implementation can work with local compressed copies while chatting with a stock remote version.
Hi Les:
Trust you to always come up with an interesting suggestion or two. I will have a further look at this but, on first blush, I do not think that this will be very effective in our environment. We will be backing up several small databases 1-8 GB each along with the related programs from our development system, out users home directories which include their Outlook PST files, Word/Excel files, etc. While the compression should work for all files I can not see the dedup working for much beyond the Word/Excel files. We will definitely have a look at it.
Thanks for you suggestion.
Regards, Hugh