Bryan J. Smith wrote:
On Sat, 2005-06-11 at 17:17 -0400, Mark Weaver wrote:
because it simply works with the least amount of possibility for error. Its a matter of using the right tool for the job. nothin more nothin less.
Whoa! Sorry, but us long-time UNIX admins would greatly _differ_ with you.
I typically use 'find|cpio', and someone else mentioned 'dump|restore' and I know 'tar c|tar x' is yet another. These are _native_ tools of the UNIX platform.
Ghost, Drive Copy/Image, etc... are great for dealing with NT which doesn't like to be cloned. But in UNIX/Linux, the native tools of the OS are far better.
And you long time Unix admins are one of the biggest reasons I read this mailing list. While I do like ghost I have to confess to a small amount of baiting because it tends to extract this kind of conversation a little quicker. well let me say it tends to provoke a much wider range of knowledge with a single probe than just asking a question. Yeah...a little twisted, but its fun too.
Since a Unix/Linux guru/admin is what I want to be when I grow up, (my wife tells me thats not likely to happen - me growing up), I would love to hear about your process.