On Wed Jul 13 15:30:30 EDT 2011, Brunner, Brian T. BBrunner at gai-tronics.com wrote:
Note: The script that you trigger (a wrapper for the command you really want to run) can have the per-command peculiarities in it. Also: the command in the crontab file can look like 'cmd | mail -s "Subject of mail" user' Also: a file (e.g. 'mumble') in the /etc/cron.d directory is effectively an extension of the /etc/crontab file, and MAILTO can be set there (IIRC it will only effect entries in that /etc/cron.d/mumble file).
Thanks. I gather from these and previous comments, and from experimentation, that it is not possible to arbitrarily set the MAILTO variable in the actual crontab entry. One must set it somewhere before that entry and, where necessary, reset it to something else immediately thereafter.