Really funny, I was just thinking of this this morning as well! (Christmas spirit I guess, or the gratefulness for latest bunch of 5.4 updates...)
I support the question and add: It there a way to get receipts, etc. in order to book such a donation as a company charge/expense? Is the target organization by chance somehow registered in the European Union?
On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 03:02, Yves Bellefeuille wrote:
Is there any decision about the donation programme?
The Web page still says: "If you are looking to make a cash dontation to the CentOS Project, please check back here after August 15th, 2009."
I assume that donations aren't refused, but is there a suggested amount, as there used to be?
-- Yves Bellefeuille "Yves Bellefeuille: Eterna malvenkanto en UEA" -- Heroldo Komunikas, n-ro 389
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