on 1/28/2008 8:54 AM Chris Mauritz spake the following:
Scott Silva wrote:
On the flipside, perhaps if you call Hans and agree to cover his legal bills you can get a good lifetime support contract. :)
Last I heard, he was being investigated for a possible "lifetime commitment". But that was a while ago.
Heh. Before the topic police scold us....
The other reason I'd avoid reiserfs is that namesys (the company that was developing reiserfs) is effectively shut now. Hans was unable to sell the company before it just fizzled into obscurity. That doesn't mean that someone else won't pick up the ball and run with it (it is, after all, open source), but I don't think I'd be willing to bet the farm on it remaining a viable alternative to ext3 for the long haul in a production environment...even if you ignore the other problems mentioned earlier.
I'm pretty sure that the main developer being "busy" is still on topic, as it shows that development will be slow or stop completely. Too bad, as Reiser4 showed some great potential.