Peter Farrow wrote:
I have seen some instances where Dovecot stops responding on high end servers.
I've also seen systems where Cyrus gobbles up resources when mailboxes get large, to such an extent it cripples the machine.
My preference is Dovecot, it is very easy to setup and maintain.
I might be wrong here but I thought Cyrus has a user base separate to the Unix accounts, which is either a PITA or a blessing depending on what you want. My experience is this would be a PITA but for 10,000 users this could be beneficial...
In each case I would stick with Dovecot...
I'm a sucker for the classics....still running UW IMAP. 8-) A few weeks ago I had folks review the latest/greatest out there for a mid-sized company with a few hundred accounts. They came back with Cyrus. I asked if anyone had looked into dovecot and eyes glazed over. So I pointed them at Johnny's dovecot/postfix page and asked that they include that in the mix (we've been using postfix since the 90's) and after a few hours the group enthusiastically recommended dovecot. Either dovecot has lots of advantages for our environment...or it's just close to bonus time. Hopefully, it was the former. 8-) So we'll be switching over "real soon now."