I have a simply script that I cannot get a font size bigger than 40. Changing the font_size value to 80 does not make the font any bigger just the background.
How do I get a bigger font than 40?
I run this script as "wish -f file.tcl"
What am I doing wrong to not get bigger fonts?
Jerry --------------------------------------------- set font_size 40 set show_window_title 0 set disable_window_decorations 1 set screen_width [winfo screenwidth . ] set screen_height [winfo screenheight . ] set window_x 0 set window_y 0 set my_message "This is my message..."
wm geometry . ${screen_width}x${font_size}+${window_x}+${window_y} wm overrideredirect . $disable_window_decorations
font create ourFont -family helvetica -size $font_size set c [canvas .c -height $font_size -width $screen_width -background black -highlightthickness 0 ] pack $c $c create text 10 4 -text $my_message -font ourFont -anchor nw -fill red ~ ~