well the installation was successfull my only problem is whatever NIC i installed in the system it still can't detect the card.

i don't wat to put fedora on my production server, my option is to replace my motherboard what board can you recommend?

On 3/1/06, Scott Silva <ssilva@sgvwater.com> wrote:
Michael Best spake the following on 2/28/2006 9:49 AM:
> Cameron Showalter wrote:
>> Mark Quitoriano wrote:
>>> Hi Guys,
>>> Im trying to install CentOS 4.2 server CD, my board is p5v800-MX and for
>>> some weird reason it can't detect my built-in ethernet port. Can this be
>>> resolved with newer kernel version.
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Mark Quitoriano, CCNA
>> Does centos install at all, but upon boot up not find the network card
>> at all?
>> http://www.centos.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=2915&forum=29
>> try knoppix or another cd based distros to see if the network card is
>> detected.
> Even as recently as the 2.6.14 kernel it appears to have limited
> support, and this user claims that only using the 2.6.15 did he get
> networking support.
> http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-list/2006-January/msg04097.html
> For a board this new Fedora Core is one of the few options that will
> likely work with it.  And I'm generally very unhappy with having to
> upgrade Fedora Core so often.
> -Mike
If Fedora core is not to your liking, install a PCI nic, or wait for CentOS 5
which should be out when upstream releases their -5 version later this year.


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Mark Quitoriano, CCNA

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