On Tue, 12 Jul 2011, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
Please post your replies bellow the original text you are replying to for easier read.
Has anybody looked is SL dev team created those? Also, has anybody tried to rip out those files from C5 and just repack it?
Ljubomir ... PLEASE stop saying whatevr comes into your head on CentOS mailing lists ... this is the CENTOS mailing list
You can look at this as well as anyone else ... and IF SL had done something of this sort, you can use a direct email to the inquiring party to let them know your results
Certain art work may not be present .. but as you SHOULD know, CentOS seeks to be a strict build in most matters. If it is not present upstream at a given revision point, it SHOULD NOT be in CentOS proper. Adding supplemnetal backgrounds art not present in the upstream product is not part of its core mission
-- Russ herrold