Kai Schaetzl wrote:
Dan Carl wrote on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 15:13:50 -0600:
I followed the Wiki instructions for setting up *yum-priorities*. I added the rpmforge repo I installed clamd without a problem. Now when I go to update I get conflicts with perl-Math-BigInt.
add check_obsoletes = 1 to the /etc/yum.d/priorities.comf
Sorry to take so long to follow up on this, been busy.
add check_obsoletes = 1 does nothing
Here's the errors I'm getting: Transaction Check Error: <snip> file /usr/share/man/man3/Math::BigInt.3pm.gz from install of perl-Math-BigInt-1.89-1.el5.rf conflicts with file from package perl-5.8.8-15.el5_2.1 file /usr/share/man/man3/Math::BigInt::Calc.3pm.gz from install of perl-Math-BigInt-1.89-1.el5.rf conflicts with file from package perl-5.8.8-15.el5_2.1 file /usr/share/man/man3/Math::BigInt::CalcEmu.3pm.gz from install of perl-Math-BigInt-1.89-1.el5.rf conflicts with file from package perl-5.8.8-15.el5_2.1 <snip>
#rpm -qa | grep perl-Math
perl-Math-BigInt-1.86-2 perl-Math-BigRat-0.19-2
This tells me rpmforge has a newer version, but isn't yum-priorities suppose to keep rpmforge from updating it? I've never needed rpmforge before, what am I doing wrong?