I've setup the CentOS version of the RH Cluster Service on a pair of centos 4.4 i386 test boxes... wanting to do high availabilty stuff. its working, I've added a virtual IP and a fiberchannel hosted e3fs file system thhat either can mount, if I manually crash or reboot one, this IP and FS mount on the other, awesome.
the servers are connected to the storage via a QLogic SANbox 5600 fiberswitch, and I've added a SANbox2 'fence device' to the cluster, with its IP and login/password... but I don't understand how to configure the SANbox or the fencing agent so that it knows how to map these two servers to the zones or zonesets on the SANbox.
right now everything on the SANbox is in the same zone (these two plus a few other servers plus the shared storage controller which also has some LUNs that are only accessible by a couple Sun servers running Solaris).
what am I missing? I did see the man page on fabric_sanbox2, but dont see how that applies via system-config-cluster ...