Scott R Ehrlich wrote:
When I used Fedora Core 5, and got to the screen for packages to install, I had the option to Customize which packages I wanted to install, but never an option to install EVERYTHING. That annoyed me.
When I use Redhat Enterprise 4, and get to the screen for packages to install, I have the option to Customize which packages I want to install. That leads me to a screen showing a tree of catatories. Towards the bottom, I find an "Everything" option. I almost always choose that.
When I learned about CentOS 4.4, and got to the package install screen, the EVERYTHING option was there. I was thrilled!
From the CentOS beta, I thought I would again get the EVERYTHING option, but to
my shock, the packages screen actually goes back to the FC5 days, thus no easy (that I could find) way to just select all packages.
Am I missing something? If this is true, and the team is still in development stage, can the EVERYTHING option be restored?
CentOS is cloned from the corresponding RHEL release. Don't expect any more than minimal changes - for example, CentOS doesn't have separate server/desktop/workstation offerings, nor does it have something "just like" RHN.