On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 6:21 PM, Joseph L. Casale jcasale@activenetwerx.com wrote:
I have a user w/o a shell that runs an app as a daemon that needs to use mutt to email an attachment from a script.
During testing when the app was ran as root everything worked:) Now that we obviously are running as a user w/o a shell this little bit broke. I used mutt as I needed to send the attachment as mime, and the ability to specify a muttrc from the cli when executed was useful so we could tweak the mail headers etc...
Hmmm.. I call mutt from scripts called by cron all the time, can't see why this is much different. Well, okay, cron uses the same user, so it has a shell.
You could specify the muttrc file using the -F switch, maybe that will solve yer problem? Or are you saying that is what you're doing but it bombs? How about telling us the command/script and the error output? luck, Dave