On 8/13/07, Doug Coats dcoatshca@gmail.com wrote:
I am having difficulty getting one of my machines to boot and assign the same designation of eth0 and eth1 to the same nics consistantly.
I posted something about this back on April 25, Message-ID: 6bb609560704250801y6efe4ec1gbc513ea4f34d5721@mail.gmail.com
What I said then was:
-------- The problem (as I recall) is that on each reboot the onboard NICs are being discovered in a different order, so the MAC addresses in /etc/sysconfig/hwconf don't match what is recorded in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth*.
I believe what I had to do (I should have written it down, damn it) was hand-edit /etc/sysconfig/hwconf to completely remove all the references to the NICs (there may be more than one entry for each NIC because of the flip-flopping), edit ifcfg-eth* to remove all references to HWADDR, reboot again to let the cards be rediscovered, and then again hand-edit ifcfg-eth* to insert HWADDR lines that match the device assignments in the regenerated /etc/sysconfig/hwconf.
However, I may have at least the last step of that wrong. --------
No one ever responded as to whether that solution worked for them.