--On Wednesday, July 20, 2011 11:02:42 PM -0700 RC cooleyr@gmail.com wrote:
On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 10:07:06 -0600 Devin Reade gdr@gno.org wrote:
It should be considered as complementing the automated config management tools like cfengine et al, not as a replacement for them (they're doing different jobs).
That's not entirely fair. A little shell scripting and pdsh and pdcp can certainly do everything cfengine/puppet can do
I wasn't referring to pdsh/pdcp; I was referring to pconsole. The reason I said complementing is that sometimes it is good to have stuff under a configuration management system like cfengine/puppet, but sometimes you need to run ad-hoc commands, in an identical fashion, on lots of similar machines, which pconsole is good at (subject to the caveats I previously mentioned).
I made no comments on pdsh/pdcp at all, and make no claims on where it fits in the spectrum.