On 23 March 2012 07:16, Brent Clark brentgclarklist@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Guys
Im hoping someone would be so kind to answer my question.
Where I work we are currently reviewing and making use of Centos, because of its long end of life support.
CentOS-6 updates until November 30, 2020
The question I would like to ask is. Say Centos 6 offers and makes use of PHP 5.3. Say as time goes on PHP themselves deprecate 5.3 and EOL is reached. Would Centos 6 continue to offer security and bug fixes support for PHP 5.3 till November 30, 2020?
If someone could help me understand this, it would be appreciated.
I think Redhat is going to try and do just that, I see they still mantain PHP 5.1 in EL5... Then again who knows what tomorrow will bring.