Le 24/11/2016 à 10:22, Yamaban a écrit :
Hmmm, looks like the "lookup question" from amandine(server) is not resolved in the same way it is resoved from bernadette or raymonde (clients).
After some more fiddling, I guess I found a solution to my problem. If we formulate the problem differently, we can say that the clients use the information provided by Dnsmasq, but the server does not. So in order to make the server use that information, here's how I changed the configuration.
First, point /etc/resolv.conf to the server itself:
# /etc/resolv.conf nameserver
Next, get rid of the 'no-resolv' option in '/etc/dnsmasq.conf':
# /etc/dnsmasq.conf domain-needed bogus-priv interface=enp3s1 dhcp-range=,,24h local=/sandbox.lan/ domain=sandbox.lan expand-hosts # DNS server= # Postes fixes dhcp-host=00:1E:C9:43:A7:BF,bernadette, dhcp-host=00:1D:09:15:4A:D8,raymonde,
After restarting Dnsmasq, everything seems fine now:
[root@amandine:~] # host bernadette bernadette has address [root@amandine:~] # host raymonde raymonde has address