On Saturday, May 07, 2011 09:35:48 PM Ali Ahsan wrote:
Hi All
I have xeon server with 16 Gb Ram and no Swap memory.I am running cassandra server on two node in cluster.When there is high load on server kswapd0 kicks inn and take 100% cpu and make machine very slow and we need to restart out cassandra server.I have latest kernel 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5.Please let me know how can i fix this issue .Its hurting us badly this our production server any quick help will be appreciated.
There is more than one bug that causes this behaviour. A few related memory managent situations (possibly responsible) may actually be avoided if you add some swap (even if it's not used). My suggestion would be to add some swap, set swappiness to 0 and see what happens.