On Apr 12, 2014, at 10:03 PM, John R Pierce pierce@hogranch.com wrote:
I've retired all the older xeon "P4" class hardware from my development lab as its increasingly unreliable as it gets older than 5 years old. a huge 6000 watt chassis of 8 dual single core servers with 8gb max ram each can *easily* be replaced with a single 1U or 2U server with dual 8 core processors and 128gb ram and vmware or whatever.
Dual 8 core? Try dual 10 core (40 virtual cores) with 384G RAM and up to 32T of disk space in 2U. And that's just the server-of-the-line Dell stuff.
And every time the server lines get refreshed, the servers get more and more capable.
... and take longer to boot. Sigh.