Hello Michael and others -
On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 5:42 PM, Michael Gliwinski Michael.Gliwinski@henderson-group.com wrote:
On Wednesday 05 Oct 2011 15:03:43 Alexander Farber wrote:
start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=3 stop on starting rc RUNLEVEL=[!3] console output respawn chdir /tmp exec /bin/su -c '/usr/local/pref/pref.pl >/tmp/pref-`date +%a`.txt 2>&1' afarber
# sudo initctl stop pref initctl: Unknown instance:
Does your pref.pl fork or daemonize itself? You may need to add 'expect fork' or 'expect daemon' to your pref.conf. Is the PID you get from `status pref' the same as you see in ps output?
No, it doesn't daemoniz or fork anything and prints stuff to stdout and stderr only - because I was running it with /etc/inittab on the CentOS 5.7 (and thus shouldn't daemonize).
The pid doesn't match or I can't get it:
(I've omitted "sudo " below, I use CLI as "afarber"):
# initctl status pref pref start/running, process 1507 # initctl restart pref pref start/running, process 2083 # initctl restart pref initctl: Unknown instance: # initctl restart pref initctl: Unknown instance:
# ps uwx USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND afarber 1532 0.0 0.0 108788 15084 ? S 16:05 0:00 /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/local/pref/pref.pl
# netstat -an | grep -w 8080 tcp 0 0* LISTEN
# initctl status pref pref stop/waiting
Any ideas please?
I've also added more details at http://serverfault.com/questions/318742/etc-inittab-respawn-script-migrating...
Thank you Alex