On Thu, 2011-08-11 at 09:09 -0400, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
The real problem is manitou.net, and their "algorythm". 15 years ago, it might have been reasonable to track mailhosts, and block all mail coming from that host. For the last 10 years, at least, it's *wrong*. Even the best of 'Net providers can't keep up with all the spammers (or don't have what I would consider reasonable policies in place). With the exception of a few outlaw sites, mostly, I believe, in eastern Europe or Asia, most ISPs *try*... but with all the mergers 10 years ago, most ISPs are *huge*. Roadrunner, that I mentioned, is a US national provider that does cable, VOIP, and 'Net in *many* cities around the US. I, personally, used them in Chicago and central Florida. I *think* they're part of Time-Warner. They are the ISP for millions of people, and tens or hundreds of thousands in each area, just as my hosting provider, Bluehost, hosts tens (or is it hundreds?) of *thousands* of domains. Some of those domains are running on *bleah* Windows (not Linux, as I am), and are clearly infected.
For manitu.net to decide that *everyone* coming from that mailhost, regardless of the source domain, is incompetence and hostile to the way things are for years now. They are doing a *very* bad job, and have companies convinced that since they've been doing it for years, they should stay with them. I want the CentOS list maintainer to reconsider.
ISP amalgation in the western world is a fact of life.
Who do you, and others, suggest as a 'fit for purpose' alternative to manitu.net ?