Eduardo Grosclaude wrote:
Hello, My "hardware" (?) RAID system seems to work but says "duplicate PV" while booting, I don't think I was reading them before. Any clues will be appreciated. From what I recall:
- RAID 1 was setup (using firmware setup program) on a
machine with Intel S3200 SHV Server Board. 2) Installed Centos 5.1, default LVM style. Anaconda saw a single 500GB disk so I assumed this was a true hardware RAID system. Am I wrong here? 3) Then wanted to reduce LogVol00 so as to make room for a new, data only filesystem on its own LV. Started by booting with rescue CD, lvscanned the disk, lvchanged -a y. Intended to resize root filesystem with resize2fs. Was asked to fsck, which I did (by the way, getting many errors). Fixed them all (fingers crossed), fsck again said ok. Then resize2fs worked happily. 4) Rebooted the installed system. Now "Duplicate PV" shows at boot. Honestly I don't know whether this was being displayed before (this is an inherited server). This message shows at the screen but no record of it is kept on any log file. 5) Everything seems to work well anyway. I created a new LV as I wished, just this message keeps me thinking...
Should I care? Should I fix it? Is it a true RAID board? Should I be better off going software-RAID 1?
lspci says
More informative output would be:
# sfdisk -d # pvs # vgs
There might be a disk from an old RAID1 set in there.
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