On Tue, 2005-04-19 at 12:30 -0400, Jason Dixon wrote:
On Apr 19, 2005, at 12:22 PM, Troy Engel wrote:
Jason Dixon wrote:
Any ideas a) where is coming from (parsing bug?), or b) why the initscript doesn't reference /etc/ntp/ntpservers?
a) It's in the main config file, /etc/ntp.conf :
server # local clock fudge stratum 10
Thanks for clarifying that.
b) Because they're not a part of ntp, but a part of system-config-date
$ rpm -qf /etc/ntp/ntpservers system-config-date-1.7.15-0.RHEL4.1
Not on CentOS 3.4:
[root@polaris root]# rpm -qf /etc/ntp/ntpservers redhat-config-date-1.5.22-3
On EL3 the name was redhat-config-date ... it is system-config-date in EL4. If you have GUI insalled, right click on the clock and pick the "Adjust Date & Time" option and click the "Network Time Protocol" tab...enable NTP and add your server(s) to the box.
If you don't have GUI, Just add the name (or IP) of the server you want to use in /etc/ntp.conf like this:
server clock1.redhat.com
then restart ntpd like this:
/etc/init.d/ntpd restart