I want to install PHP 4 via RPM on a CentOS 5 server.
I downloaded the CentOS 4.5 , installed all needed dependency packages, but I'm having troubles while building the RPM:
I was having compile errors with the Apache APR module, I had to make a symlink form apr-config to apr-1-config, since the package expected to find apr-config which didn't exist, and had to pass via CFLAGS the result of "apr-config --cppflags --includes --cflags"
Now I reach a stage, where some test are made, I to check fo some PHP bugs and it fails there...
I removed the first bug giving probelsm to see what happened, and failed with another one, which it's really strange, bugs like the #23951 which was solved in June 2003... I don;t understand why is this happening.. :(
Has anyone been able to compile a PHP 4 RPM on CentOS 5 or are there any available SRPMs out there already prepared for this?
I've compiled PHP 4.4.7 from source downloaded form
php.net with no problems, but I would like to install it via RPM, preferably by using the CentOS PHP 4 RPM.
If there isn't, I will compile directly form source and not use RPM, but would prefer to do it via RPM if possible
Thanks in advance,
PS: please, don't reply telling me to use PHP 5, I NEED to use PHP 4 on this case, will migrate to PHP 5 ASAP, but still can not do it yet :)