On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Joseph L. Casale JCasale@activenetwerx.com wrote:
The manual IS sloppy. missing - characters in the syntax
Tryijng to figure out -Val syntax
megacli AdpPRSetDelay -Val -aN|-a0,1,2|-aALL
- /home/drew/bin/MegaCli -AdpPRSetDelay 0 -a0
Invalid input at or near token -AdpPRSetDelay
Tried sticking a - in front of the zero. Doesn't make much sense, tried it anyway, didn't help.
Seriously, I get that you are frustrated, been there myself.
I don't have any of our LSI's actually running at the moment, but it makes sense to me if the Patrol Read is disabled, you get an error configuring it. Just a guess...
What does a -AdpPR -Info -a0 yield?
+ /home/drew/bin/MegaCli -AdpPR -Info -a0 ^M Adapter 0: Patrol Read Information:
Patrol Read Mode: Auto Patrol Read Execution Delay: 168 hours Number of iterations completed: 43 Current State: Stopped
It's already 168 hours, lets try a command setting it to 168 hours
+ /home/drew/bin/MegaCli -AdpPRSetDelay 168 -a0 ^MInvalid input at or near token -AdpPRSetDelay
Doesn't like the syntax
+ /home/drew/bin/MegaCli -AdpPRSetDelay 0 -a0 ^MInvalid input at or near token -AdpPRSetDelay
Lets try setting it to 0, Doesn't like that either.