On Wednesday 11 February 2009, Hector Herrera wrote: ...
After about 2-3 days, the kernel complains about "dst cache overflow" and even thought it hasn't crashed, the network is un-responsive. All IP forwarding stops and the server cannot be reached from any network interfaces.
According to http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Fedora/2005-07/1175.html this is a known bug that was fixed in 2.6.11, however, I'm running 2.6.18 (as updated with `yum update`)
I downloaded the kernel sources, and indeed, the kernel source contains the bug fix in the above article.
Therefore ... I'm at a loss as to where to go from here. Certainly rebooting the server every day is not an option, and increasing the max_size will just delay it.
Have a look around the upstream (rh) bugzilla to see if there is a fix in the pipe. If not then you'll have to either run a newer kernel or add the patch to the centos-kernel and rebuild it (both ways are quite messy).
Thank you,