Robert Moskowitz wrote:
I did the install onto the HD in the Compaq, set inittab to 3 and moved the HD to the decTOP.
I booted without the ethernet USB dongle, and after I was logged in, I plugged it in. I had to bring up eth0 and start dhclient. But the network is working.
But X is not. Different video.
/etc/sysconf/hwconf has the right info:
Class: VIDEO bus: PCI detach: 0 desc: "National Semiconductor Corporation Geode GX2 Graphics Processor" vendorId: 100b deviceId: 0030 subvendorId: 100b subdeviceId: 0030 pciType: 1 pcidom: 0 pcibus: 0 pcidev: 1 pcifn: 1
So how do I 'fix' X?
Does 'system-config-display' get anywhere? If not, post another message here with a more descriptive subject and the part that looks like the problem from your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and maybe someone who knows more about X will jump in.