On Tue, 2006-03-28 at 15:07 -0600, Les Mikesell wrote:
On Tue, 2006-03-28 at 13:20, centos@911networks.com wrote:
Benjamin Smith wrote:
I'd really like to know what this turned out to be...
It was sendmail that would hang during the boot. At that point the startup would wait, wait and wait... I do not need sendmail, so I disabled it from the startup.
That means it's really DNS that's broken - and/or you don't have an entry for localhost in /etc/hosts. Sendmail likes to be able to resolve names for all of your interfaces so it knows what mail it should accept and it will try pretty hard before giving up. My guess is that you had the caching-nameserver package installed but had local changes to named.conf that where needed to make DNS work. An update to caching-nameserver wipes out local changes.
---- I've seen a lot of people completely ignore the stop sign - the top 2 lines of /etc/hosts and hack it away completely and that causes all sorts of issues.
My money is on careless edit of /etc/hosts ;-)