Karanbir Singh <mail-lists@...> writes:
On 05/03/2011 07:57 AM, Steve Castellotti wrote:
/"We should have news, along with a release plan, for CentOS-6 in the next few days"/
There is a plan, of sorts. I wanted to make sure the QA guys had a few days to mull it over before making it public. And then there was the rather nice and long holiday weekends here in the UK. 10th is the first target, with a release couple of weeks later. We have a potential release date to work against from there on.
- KB
Thank you, KB. I think that this sort of "back of the envelop" estimate is all quite a few of us have been asking for. We know it's not written in stone and any hard deadline planning that relies on it is a fool's errand. On the other hand, it gives us a "it probably won't happen sooner than" date to work with.
Any chance you can throw one of these out say once a week? DO NOT spend more than one minute longer than just typing the e-mail to come up with the estimate.
Thanks again.
Cheers, Dave