Nicolas Kovacs wrote:
Le 28/02/2019 à 04:12, Jobst Schmalenbach a écrit :
I want to lock in the SDA/SDB/SDC for my drives
In short : use UUIDs or labels instead of hardcoding /dev/sdX.
Yeah - I strongly believe in labels, given the fact that *no* one can remember a UUID....
UUIDs can be helpful to automate things. On the other side they make things more difficult than needed.
In my example I had two quite large servers with existing hardware. One of the servers was already installed and in production. I had to clone the hole system onto the second box but make sure that all UUIDs are unique in the end.
Back in the old days that was an very easy task. But now, the hole system consisted of 91 UUIDs for block devices/LVM/filesystems alone, with additional UUIDs for other devices like ethernet interfaces.
I had a lot of fun!
Regards, Simon