On Thu, 2010-07-08 at 18:10 -0500, Doug Coats wrote:
After a little bit of research I feel a little vindicated. It seems that Samba3x seporated out nmb. On Samba 3.0 the nmb service does not show up in the chkconfig. It simply starts and stops with smb.
On Samba3x it seporates out nmb and it does not start by itself. So based on my experience I never needed to start nmb seporately so just like all of you it didn't enter my mind as the culperate.
---- yeah - Fedora packaging separated the 2 several releases ago and I gather that all of the new packages are now doing that but RHEL releases aren't likely to change.
I thought the name calling was rather rude/harsh and uncalled for and think you did a pretty good job of tracking down the problem.
Generally though, in your setup I would probably discourage cross subnet browse lists because they can get large and slow and generate excessive traffic. I would probably segregate student computers and teacher computers and not display teacher computers to students, etc.